How long will my ads stay on the Wenjele site?

Your ads remain on the site for 1-3 months (since the date of the last update) before they are automatically deleted or until you decide to deactivate them. Please note that you can update your ad if you haven’t sold your item.

What are the prohibited items on Wenjele Site?

Users shall adhere to all applicable laws, the Terms of Use and all posted Platform rules and policies.
Here is a non-exhaustive list of goods and services promotion of which is prohibited on wenejel here in Nigeria:
  • 1. Narcotics, steroids, and any drugs or medications that require a prescription from a licensed medical specialist
  • 2. Weapons
  • 3. Restricted military/police items
  • 4. Human organs
  • 5. Illegal/pirated copies
  • 6. Stolen property
  • 7. Code grabbing and lock picking devices
  • 8. Electronic equipment prohibited by the law
  • 9. Sexually-oriented services
  • 10. Loans, money transactions, Bitcoin
  • 11. Multi-level marketing, pyramid, and matrix programs
  • 12. Network marketing and “Home Base Business” jobs
  • 13. Products (goods or services) prohibited to sell by the law, in particular:
  • Food, processed food, water, soft drinks, spirit drinks, medical devices, drugs, drug products, cosmetics, chemicals, agrochemicals, pesticides, veterinary drugs or other goods if they have not been registered with the National Agency for Food & Drug Administration and Control (the “NAFDAC”) or other relevant authority of Nigeria;
  • Any goods, sale, distribution or advertising of which is banned or restricted by the NAFDAC or any other relevant authority of Nigeria;
  • Any goods, sale, distribution or advertising of which is prohibited by applicable legislation of Nigeria;
  • Any goods that do not comply with standards and quality requirements imposed on such goods by applicable legislation of Nigeria;
  • Any goods that are represented on the label or described as a treatment, preventative or cure for diseases, disorders or abnormal physical states specified by applicable legislation of Nigeria.
If you have noticed any announcements promoting Prohibited Items on Wenjele, please report them via the “Report Abuse” link.

Should I pay before or after?

Wenjele is an online marketplace that connects buyers and sellers and helps them to meet. You will make deals with different people, so it’s advisable to discuss such things with each seller directly.
However, we recommend not to send prepayment and not to pay in advance. You can set up a meeting face to face in a public place, review the product or item properly, and if you are satisfied — pay for it.

Posting rules

Following rules are required while you are posting adverts on Wenjele

  • 1. Every advert must have a precise title.
  • 2. Every advert should contain only unique images (taken by the seller and not downloaded from the Internet) without any contact information or watermarks.
  • 3. Every advert must contain images.
  • 4. Make sure you chose an appropriate category. Be attentive choosing a category for a job proposal and/or a resume.
  • 5. The prices of your items must correspond to the real prices of similar products.
  • 6. All posted products and/or services must be located in Nigeria
  • 7. All items and products must be legally permitted.
  • 8. Each item for sale must be posted separately. You cannot post several products within one and the same advert.
  • 9. Every advert must contain a brief and clear description.
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Tips on how to create an effective ad on

If you really want to create a great ad, it is highly recommended to follow the instructions below:
  • 1. Use a clear title which includes the name of the item you sell. Try to make your title appealing and eye-catching. .
  • 2. Set an appropriate price for your item so that the advert is approved. If the price is not relevant, it may be declined. Make sure to carry out some investigation of the prices for a item.
  • 3. The description of your product must be informative enough and mustn’t contain any false information regarding your product or service. .
  • 4. Upload only unique and high-quality photos of your items taken by yourself and not downloaded from the Internet. The better photos you add, the more attractive your ad looks to the potential buyers and the more calls you receive. .
  • 5. Indicate correct contact details for the potential buyers/clients to be able to reach you easily. Try to respond all the incoming calls or to call back your customers once available. .
  • 6. Try to fill out all the fields of your profile page, as well as those of your advert, to let your customers dispose of all the necessary information about you as a seller and the products you sell.
  • 7. The better rating you have on our website, the more chances you get to attract a lot of buyers. Remember that it is important to build trust in your business. Your rating depends on the number of positive/negative feedback received from your previous customers.
  • 8. Make your advert as risk-free as possible. Underline that no prepayments are required and be ready to list those delivery services which presuppose payment on the delivery of the product ordered. .

Do you have any stores?

No, Wenjele is online marketplace, not a physical shop. You can sell your stuff, buy goods from real people, find a job or services you need on our online marketplace. Any deal you make, you make with people. And we exist just to help you find each other.