Fee-Based Services Policy

  • The User can use fee-based services provided by the Resource Administration in order to promote his/her announcements for the purpose of increasing of sales. The Resource Administration is not responsible for the expectations and the results of the use of fee-based services. The Administration offers Premium Packages and Top Ad Promo packages for promoting Users’ announcements. Top-announcements are placed in a separate block over the ordinary announcements. If the User orders a service of announcements rising, they are getting raised over all free offers. They will be displayed on all pages of a column, a section or a region. You can familiarize yourself with more detailed information, as well as with terms of time for which fee-based services will be provided, at the address: http://wenjele.ng/sc/top-services or http://wenjele.ng/sc/premium-services.
  • Using the Resource, the User shall order fee-based services at the address: http://wenjele.ng/sc/top-services or http://wenjele.ng/sc/premium-services, or through applicable section of mobile applications, in personal account, and in any other appropriate sections of the Resource as well.
  • The Resource Administration may charge a fee for Premium Packages and Top Ad Promo packages, which are Fee-Based Services. The fee permits promoting Users’ announcements in a designated area of the Website. Each party posting Paid Content to the Service is responsible for the Content and compliance with the Terms & Conditions. Any such fees paid hereunder are non-refundable in the event any Content is removed from the Website for violating these Terms, as well as when the User deactivates the announcements by himself
  • After expiration of term for which the User ordered a service of announcements promotion, he/she shall pay for such services again, if there is a need for such services, since the Resource Administration does not automatically withdraw money from a bank card.
  • The User shall be acquainted with prices for fee-based services of the Resource, whereupon he/she may order such services. More detailed information about prices for all services is provided in relevant sections of the Resource.

Methods of payment

  • Fee-based services of the Resource can be paid for by means of a bank card. When selecting a specific fee-based service the User will be automatically redirected on the processor’s checkout page for entering of bank card details.
  • The User can pay for fee-based services of the Resource by means of money transfer to the bank account of the Resource Administration on the basis of Resource Administration`s invoice
  • All data entered by the User on a processor’s checkout page are completely secured in accordance with the safety standards requirements. The Resource Administration receives only that information that relates to your payment.
  • Cost of services on the Resource amounts from ₦ 1199 to ₦ 50999 depending on the type of selected service, region and column, where an announcement is posted. You can check a precise cost of services in your personal account having pressed “Advertise” button near your announcement, or in your personal account.
  • The Resource Administration reserves a right occasionally to fix discounts on fee-based services.
  • The Resource Administration reserves a right occasionally to alternate cost and types of fee-based services. Additionally, the Administration is entitled to notify of such alternations on its own discretion.